Dry Firing, Dry Throat
I'm starting to feel the effects of age, at least the modern version of it. The people I looked around at are dying or stagnant, 2's are turning to 7's, and time's seemingly in short supply. At least, that's what I would say if I was a lazy faggot that didn't have hope. These things are in your control, and most people don't get that. You're not like most people, hopefully, toastmite. The redecoration of this coffin will be nice and comfy, and I'll get around to it here soon. Time's within your grasp and the days don't have to blend in together if you don't want them to.
The gun I'm buying will be a revolver, personally I didn't mind a .22lr single action, but if I get something better that'd be nice. I want to shock people, give them the feeling that maybe, just maybe, I forgot a bullet in that chamber. That I'm not as stable as I seem. Of course that's not the case, and I'm more stable than any of these freaks I surround myself with. The gun's going to be kept safe out of unwieldly people's hands, and snugly in mine. Hopefully it turns out to reinvigorate my life like I think it will, and I've never been wrong about such a prediction.
Reconnected with the New Zealander. He's 17 now, and it feels like a son I didn't get to watch grow up, and I feel bad for letting such a thing happen. Hoping to keep good contact and to not let this be just another hasty campfire in a cold forest like most of these things go, I'm confident in him being a good ally. There's not many of these people around anymore, any people in general, so it's nice to keep them in touch and recruit them when I can. In other personal news, things with Her have been going better. Not nearly as well as I'd hope, but it's a slow process to redemption; the chart is going as I predicted a while back, with a sharp upturn post-reunition, slow decay, and now we're in the rebuilding portion of it. Life gets more bleak without your intervention, y'know? Can't let things like this go to waste.
I need to go to the church and pray, leave some money and read the Holy books, plenty of those in there. I enjoy having a payphone to God and not just going to your standard commercialized church that you need to do proper looking into before entrusting them with your faith. I'll be doing this this weekend, with my gun for personal protection.
Financial Advisor has been of great help lately and I hope some arrangements can be made in due time for us to reconnect in the physical world. Much needed. fourteen eighteen twelve twenty two.