Easy Times

"And not one will know of the war, not one will care at last when it is done."

A bit has happened since my last entry here. Starting to get the feeling that I'm in the easy times, and that the people around me are weak men. They need things to shock them, to make them realize this life of hedonism and debauchery will not be a long one, but it will become a painful one. I, too, need some pain on my plate. I've never been stabbed, nor cut, nor shot, nor injured. But I need something to feel that burning sensation, I haven't had anything like that yet and I fear it's making me weak. I'm doing a good job with her, though, as she's been doing better as of late. The few outbursts she does have are quickly quelled and apologized for. Makes me proud, and taking care of her feels like taking care of the daughter I hope to have one day.

Women are horrible things. They lie, they tell, they ruin, they stir chaos whenever it's gone quiet. But that's a good thing, isn't it? You need that to be tested and to make sure you're still up to the task when things get rough. I just wish there was a better way they'd go about it, but of course they're not conscious of it. It's hard to believe most of them are even conscious to begin with, with how these ugly faces act. I would do right by the world if I was allowed to do what needed to be done and if I wouldn't be exiled for the things I'd say. But maybe that's what needs to happen, I need to step up to that task. It'll be a painful sear but not painful enough.

Got that gun. EAA Windicator, but I call her Chekhov. Financial Advisor isn't very active, but maybe there's more going on in the city than I'm worth ignoring for. Hopefully it's fun enough to the mind. I want to see people rot, I want to see that moss grow. I want to see the world without the hedgecutters to trim the branches. One day, those hard times will come. Need to be prepared for it. God bless you, reader.
